Archive for the ‘Everything Sucks’ Category

salad mix’ns

Sunday, September 20th, 2009

finally we got around to mixing. it took us about a month to be in a room together.

i don’t really know what was happening between matt and brian, lots of flirting.

5 songs done and they sound fresh.

as fresh as brian looks.

and as fresh as his ass crack appears to be.

all those beers are inside him making him cuff his pants

chris was chuggin forties left and right. not really though.

“get a load of this guy” cam

finishing tuesday with my fingers crossed

working on

Saturday, August 29th, 2009

the other day i headed out to matt’s so that we could work on the artwork for the record

sean was again our sleeping model

this is probably what the end result will look like

after some pizza and shit we did some photos for the lyric booklet, here’s some previews

gonna have to redo a few of them because i didn’t have a tripod with me

they’ll look cool when they are all together. i’m stoked about it

oh cary has moved into the house with matt

it’s funny to see someone else living there now

now matt has someone to dink around with

we’ll be done with the artwork before the actual record unfortunately