little dead are soon in graves

November 2nd, 2008

first off i would like to say that charlotte and paul win the best costume of the ever contest. they were beavis and butthead and made the sickest masks ever and did everything right. shirts, shorts, shoes, socks. perfect.

best shit ever.

so we showed up to duncan’s and drew was chris for halloween. it ruled.

side by side comparison

chris and andre were lazy for halloween

joey was venkmen

marissa was ms. pacman

anna was peg bundy which is funny because like 4 years ago so was charlotte

there’s one at every party

this dude was shreddin’ on with both the saw and the board

token dick drawing

i don’t even remember what was happening but tim had lots of stuff on him

we got bagels the following morning. they were delicious

ah don’t ghet it

October 2nd, 2008

i appreciate the thought but who do they think is shopping there?

well if my doctor says so…

i just have no fucking clue