ol’ tyme roller blading part III
October 18th, 2012Back to the scanner for some old rollerblading photos. This is the third time now I sat down to reminisce a bit about the great times I had with my homies through the old photo collections. If you haven’t seen the past ones click the Skating category on the right side and you can catch up the other gems. Maybe it’s the fall weather that does it to me? It’s my favorite time of year to skate because you don’t sweat as much, the cool breeze makes the rollin so much more pleasurable, hoodies are optional. All that. Plus I’ve been hitting the Astoria park a bunch but usually solo so it makes me think back to skating with 4, 6, 8 guys at a time all having a blast. Enjoy.
This set up is by the clamshell by the Patchogue waterfront. When we didn’t have gaps to do we used to just skate fast and jump off of big things. I mean it wasn’t a bad idea just funny to think back on
Mike Lent kickflip at the Temple. This was when I was experimenting with double exposures in photo class – I tried to make a little motion happen
Bren top torque soul at that Rose something place. The Budweiser distro place
Mikey G at Ryder. Oxygens with soul plates. Classic
Me and some other hands getting in the mix on the boom box at Board Sports. Base Brooklyn hoodie with a Victory Style II poster in the background
“Airing” on the Board Sports ramp
BK in the Salomons at Medford bike racks
Mike G the man himself
Oof that fix did not last well, nice going Cordone. Corey with the alley oop sweatstance
Bren top soul at Clara Rose (is that it?) with the Birdhouse shirt on
This was Peconic. A little mini heaven for skaters and bikers alike. The place was a huge abandoned factory that would get raided by the cops every couple months. People built ramps inside one of the building then had kickers and shit in the overhanged outside spot
The sunlight was particularly dramatic on this day and every shot I took came out awesome
Check out that Triple 8 jersey. I love that shit
Lui Kang!
Mike G sporting the Cindy’s run long sleeve. RIP.
Those were my custom painted and stickered up k2s. I loved the flex of those things.
Corey at the Chase bank hitting the gap. Whose’s shadow is that over there?
Brendan snowboarding somewhere
The posse at Medford train station. BK, Matt Dowsey, Brendan, Mike G and Zach. I think that bike my still be in my mom’s basement.
Corey with the backside farfegnugen at Stop and Shop.
Mike Lent on rollerblades at the Chase. Man that shit had NO runway at all
Young BK and Mike G. More classic gear with the Hangers hoodie
This was a super weird photo where I was in between a fall or something trying to 540 the steps I think? Those are Rise Above jeans
Soul at Stony Brook. Man, I loved that rail. I wish I could still skate that shit. We used to get into so much shit from those rent-a-cops
Soul at Chase with one glove on. Ill finger print on the picture. Half of these we would print in Photo class and we’d trade negatives so that we could print each other’s shots. That way we would have copies of everything. I remember having pictures of myself on my rolls of film and Mr. shithook Cordone giving me shit. Half of these pictures have grades on the back of them. Pretty funny
Mike G in Full Circle Era Pennywise Shirt. Corey B to the right
Corey on the backwards print
Bren at Medford rails with the Jordan jersey. I think that was the one Ryan Carroll gave him when he got rid of a bunch of shit and dumped it onto me and Brendan. I don’t remember why that was. I really wonder where that dude is in life now
Alley oops mizou with orange hair. and bandanna around my mouth. That soft ledge is probably so fucked now
Mike Lent at the weird office house thing next to South Ocean
Back at the Stony Brook rail/ledge
La Bonne Vie rail. Again another “always” spot for us. That old lady fucking HATED us for fucking up the grass
The Staples bank that wasn’t huge at all but still somehow fun. I think it was just cause we wanted to skate a bank so badly and there were so few of them
A rare moment – a photo of Zach Kelly skating. What was this called? Top unity?
Brendan top mizou
Mike G alley oop soul. Man I want a fuckin bagel from across the street so bad. A fucking TWIST. Why is it I can’t get that shit out here???
Mike Lent doing the narrow 6 set at the Patchogue station. It took him a while to land this but when he did it was sick.
Sayville Highschool. I used to push slowly on that ledge and do a 180 off. Not big at all thinking back on it now but still cool I guess. I wish I still had that Powell shirt
Corey at Saxton
Airing again at Board Sports but with BK and John-Pierre on looking. John was always one of the cooler skateboarders who didn’t refer to rollerblading in derogatory terms. He would clap for sick tricks and shit. I saw him recently and he looks like he hasn’t aged a fuckin day. He just doesn’t have the tribal necklace any more
I don’t know if this is Farrell or Brendan
That’s me with the big hair flowing in the snow
Me again. I have no idea what mountain this was at
Off the side bump
Some more printing trickery by someone (maybe me?) where you can see the tape that was used to put down an inverted print or something
Bren again at Saxton
Mike Lent portrait deep in thought and reaaal young
The short ass thing on the side of Saxton is a mystery to me now. Again I guess we were so desperate to skate things we just put up with whatever was around
Another funky double exposure. This one sucked but it’s Corey on a sweatstance at Stony Brook
BK doing a 180 at Medford
South Ocean back farf
Squirrelly alley oop sweat
BK farf at Saxton I’m super curious what shirt he’s got on
Mike G soul
Here’s another example of us jumping off shit. This was on a snowy day as you can see behind the Bob’s in Patchogue. I dunno, he landed it but it was so weird the shit we’d do
This was me behind the bagel place on the Medford side of 112. Real weird face there
Bren doing a funny double leg grab, sort of a crab thing
Negative mizou
Alley oop soul with Tim Liles looking on from the side
Back royale from Corey
Alley oop negative mizou at Board Sports. Check that FR Crewneck! I want that shit!!
Peace Love FR. RIP shirt
Another double exposure experiment
Alley oop mizou with gloves on. I love it. For some reason it seems to 90s with that striped hat.
Corey always had mad Senate gear
This shit is the best – The group shot of BK doing a 180 at Medford Fix problems once more
Top acid with a flipped negative again because I never do that trick that way unless its on a ramp
BK top mistrial
Leeeeean Back
Is that Tim again? It’s hard to imagine him wearing clothes that loose knowing him now. Look at Corey’s pants in the back right though.. wow
Another weird ass face from tourquing that soul
Weird Lui Kang 360 shot
That’s a sick Hawks jersey
Random shot of Mike Holter getting weird on a gap. He looks like he’s in trouble
Bren going for a grab at the Post Office
This day was me, Corey and BK I think. I don’t even remember the runway for that gap. That Dude VEX got up all over town
I would love to skate those skate now
Same gap again. I think it was sort of an angle thing
Temple Beth El again. Pig shirtt
Is that a bush in the shot or is that fucked up chemicals? We’ll never know
The gap from the thin brick ledge to the street. Getting speed for that was always a trick
BK in those Salomons again. Those thing just look so weird to me
Oh boy this stuff was the best. We had to do some sort of posed assignment for photo class like everything else we made jokes of it. Brian is dropping a pencil in the butt crack when the shoe tying goes on and Brendan is getting a good look at the crack from the tree. Obviously a normal scenario
Bren over the rail and over the steps gap.
Bren, Tim and Mike hanging in a tree
Farrell! Up close and personal. He looks like a BA-by
Me hanging from pole… don’t know why
South Ocean gap BK
Check it out… it’s Mitch! Little BAAAAbies
Whoever shot and developed this one got some reaaaal nice tones.
Infamous Posse in Effect in the Attic
Tim doing something in the background. Dunno
I love this wall ride shot, always have. The pattern of the bricks and the long shadow makes it awesome
Another fading daylight shot. At the 7-11 which was frequented for slurpees and what not. I ended up gapping over the bushes this one time
Another one of our set up shots. Here Tim crashed into Brendan on the bike and landed in the tree obviously
Huge thumbprint on the negs of this one but this shot shows how much easier it used to be to do backslides. At least for me. K2s worn in it was like fucking buuttttteerrr
Here’s another example. Yo honestly wish I had those soccer shin guards still for skating. They were super lightweight but provided a good barrier between the rail and bone. At St. Joe’s College
Top Mistrial at St. Joe’s again. No fill flash on this one
Suit Skating at Board Sports. Me and Tim used to randomly buy Leisure suits at Salvation Army and Selden Thrift and just dress up. Then one day for the photos I decided to skate in one. I felt naked but it looked suave.
Farrell, Bren, and Mike on the playground and it was no big deal
Farrell busting a 180 off that shit and Brendan can’t believe it
This was funny I guess
GENO! He was warm.
Farrell’s ass for some reason
Suit Skating again. 180 over the stairs
Mike with his long board. Him and Tim both had them I remember
More playground shots
Mike had skates on in all the other shots, wonder if he had them on in this one somehow
People look weird upside down
Suit 180 or 360 or something
Stony Brook flat rail wearing And-1 shorts under my pants.
Again, why did I do shit like this? Skating with basketball shorts on. Lakers right yellow shorts. 180 over the gap. That’s all I got for now. Always good to go back in time for a minute…