Hanging at Fellow Project’s Record Release

February 22nd, 2015


This was a fun show, because Fellow Project is still the best band to come off of Long Island in forever. I can’t remember now (because it’s probably about two months ago or month) when it was.

But FP played extraordinarily well as per usual. This was also a great night for the crowd too

cause these two popped a surprise visit on us. Love these former guitar players of mine

Dumps is mid-spit. Pretty funny. Lou should start a solo project called Lou’s Locks where he just strums his long flowing strands of his. Joe’s hat and beard look like they are made of the same material.

Here is a newly (at the time) pregnant Tia with the sickest record they just put out. I forgot to tell her to take off the plastic sleeve!

Oh, what up Lubrano?

The last time I got a group photo of FP Lou looked sad. So I wanted a new one. Greatest folks

Pockets New Session

October 27th, 2014

This weekend was a fun one. Well, at least for a while it was. Let me go back and elaborate a bit to explain. Deep Pockets booked a session with our bud Steve way back in January to record new songs. The problem surrounding that was we also booked a tour following, and it was the dead of winter. The result of that session was a tiny bit of fun, but mostly anxiety and stress. We ended up being late for the first day due to preparing for the tour. Then the second day we were late due to a fucking BLIZZARD. Let’s just say the end result was so rushed that none of us were all too happy.

For months we sat on the session and wondered if we should even attempt to salvage it. It was almost a bit of a traumatic thing in a sense. We still put a lot of work into it, and it all seemed to be a waste because it was over before it began. So at this point we wanted a fresh start on these songs. A while back I/we met John Meredith through playing with his band Go Sell Drugs. He mentioned having a studio in Ridgewood, but we didn’t think much of it at the time. Everything Sucks had our own thing going and never wrote enough to even need to record more. Flash forward in time and Matt and I are playing with two new string players. Our new songs are still unfinished and this fellow John is helping two of our favorite bands, Fellow Project and Crow Bait, produce their new records.

We hear these records and decide this would absolutely be a good fit. And we were right. On Friday  I woke up easily, ate my breakfast, threw on a coat, and even dropped off my goalie skates to be sharpened before leisurely heading over to Ridgewood on the L. I walked over to Gates Avenue and hung out until one by one we gathered at the doorway. We were greeted by John’s friend and co-engineer of sorts, Josh. He would help us down with our gear along with John. Once everything was in I took a moment to take it all in. It was a comfortable space, very warm and inviting and not overwhelmingly filled with gear that it felt like we’d be buried under mountains of compression and drown in rivers of plugins.

The string players talked amps for a while and I began to look over the available drum set. I think it was a Pork Pie? It’s funny I can’t even remember and it was two days ago. While the dudes worked on setting up their gobo’s and tones we worked on a bit of a difficult issue where a out-of-tune-tom was making my snare buzz like a mother. A changed head, some time, and a bit more tuning and it still wasn’t full fixed but it turns out it wasn’t an issue on tape anyway. Solid.

John began getting tones and immediately everything was sounding good. I liked his way of working. Very professional, not overly pushy on any suggestions, and seemingly looking to be a tool to help produce, rather than a producer who’s a tool. After the initial hour or so we got more into our normal personalities everything was starting to click. Senses of humor were broken in and it was a lot of fun. We started to hit “record” and blazed through a bunch of tracks at once. John would pipe up “hey, do you guys want to come in and listen” and collectively we all felt the vibe of each other to say “nah, let’s just keep going.”

We finished the first 5 pretty rapidly. Yeah, maybe there were a few we might want to scrutinize a bit further, but rather than interrupt our progress we decided to push on. At this point the only one left was the slow one, the one we refer to as “audible frequency kids.” This song is usually very dependent on Matt’s vibe when he’s in the room with us. Matt however, was not yet in the room – he was at work until 5 the earliest. I think it was me who suggested we just go for it and if it doesn’t work out we can always do it again later. Hey, good thing. We did three takes and after I started playing a bit harder we nailed that shit.

At this point the basics had been laid. We were all basically really hungry. So we took a break to walk down to the local taco carts (and coffee shops) of our choosing. I fell behind the pack a bit and I guess chose the wrong cart according to the locals, but my torta was nothing short of delicious. We digested a bit and got back down to listen to some of what we worked on. Overall we were extremely happy. The one that struck us as a bit off was our “weird end” song. The ending was weird, sure, but it was 3 different tempos and that was not the point. We went back at it but the problem with putting something under a microscope is it starts to show too much. I began to lose track of what take was what and when I did what thing when. I had to rely on trust after that moment, trust that I did what I wanted to and that everyone saying “that one sounded good” actually meant it.

We had actually finished basics now and my job was basically done. Of course, I could throw my two cents at just about anything, but I’m making an effort to butt out more these days. Besides, I have a lot more confidence in what we were doing considering we had now demoed these songs about 3 times. Matt was given a glass of Whiskey and got himself behind a microphone. He began by crushing it. He finished by crushing it. He knocked out three that night.

I headed up to pee at some point and found myself engaged in a long conversation with the homie Josh about everything from consciousness to mediums to ETs to the fact that we could all be living in a fingernail. Sort of, well not all that but a hell of a lot. It was a fun conversation and it ate up a good portion of the time when Matt was singing, which was sort of my intention. I didn’t really want to be around to hear all the vocal effects that were being added. Luckily they didn’t make it onto the mix we got, but initially there were waaaay too many for my taste. The night ended at some point and Justin drove me back to my home.

I woke up, headed over to get my newly sharpened skates, then jumped back on the train. Who knows if it was someone that sneezed in my vicinity or just something that I produced from lack of sleep but I wasn’t feeling too special that morning. I blamed it on my apartment’s heat coming back on and pushed forward. The boys were getting ready to do their guitar overdubs and punches. I brought my Hassleblad to try and capture some of those moments (and here in this post you see some of the results). Things were sounding good (aside from a few third track things I wasn’t loving but was assured I would come around on) but at this point the feeling shitty caught up with me a bit. I headed upstairs to try and see the sun for a second.

One of John’s cats, Yoda, certainly cheered me up a bit sleeping in it’s little frying pan but I still needed some fresh air or something. I headed out to grab a snack and a drink and some air but it was clear that was not going to be enough. What I truly needed was to relax and eat cayenne laced chicken soup. I came back and offered my opinion on a few of the things added to the tracks but was too out of it to really hear much more. Matt was prepping more of some kind of grain alcohol and readying himself to jump back into vocals. Conor and Justin reminded me that with the recording so near finished that mixing would probably follow. I hadn’t considered that for some reason.

It didn’t matter much at the time, I didn’t want to feel sick and that is where the earlier no fun came in. I had to leave. I’m glad I did though, I knocked that shit out of my system right quick this time around. I still feel it necessary to go get a flu shot tomorrow and prepare for the horrible shit to come, but at least I don’t feel too bad now at this moment in time. They finished the mixes and passed them on later that night. I listened and overall am satisfied. A few things I would have absolutely liked to be there for, but nothing so major I can’t send in an email. It’s a matter of agreeing with the others though, because having not been there I don’t know what was done intentionally and what wasn’t. So that’s a bit awkward. But either way it shakes out I’m still incredibly stoked on these new songs and the overall experience at John’s The Mollusk Studio. I am bummed I had to leave because I didn’t finish my other roll of film either, I know there’s some shots of Justin playing guitar on there. I did wanna get some of Matt doing vocals too. Oh well. I did end up filming a bit of the experience on my phone (because the DP GoPro didn’t hold it’s charge for whatever reason). Here’s a drum view of one of the tracks.

New Song